Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Assigment #13

No cell phones allowed
For this assignment, we were to go technology-less for 24 hours!! Needless to say, I failed miserably. I do not know what life was like before technology. I have never noticed how much I actually use and depend on my phone and computer. The longest I made it without picking up my phone was about 10 hours. I was asleep for 6 of those hours. I can live without the TV and such for a whole day but definitely not my phone. I have an iPhone so everything is in the palm of my hand. I use Facebook, Twitter, and text the most. I do not think that I have an adequate reason as to why this is so hard for me. Maybe it is habit? I do not really remember a time when I did not have access to a phone or the computer. It is almost like breathing for me. I do it and not even realize. I wonder how many people honestly succeeded at this?? I am not sure how my students will react when they come to my class. I hope to let them engage with technology throughout the day so hopefully they do not go into technology withdrawals. I think it is great that we encourage and teach the use of technology in the classroom. Depending on the age, as soon as they step foot out of school, they will turn to either a phone or a computer! So let's engage what they know with what they learn!

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